Rabu, 29 Juli 2009

The influence of the FRIEND (PEER GROUP), personality and TERPAAN CHARACTERISTICS Mass Media Attitude TO START AGAINST Adolescent Smoking Behavior


Data show Susenas 2001 Lampung Province and Province
Western Province is the highest in smokers. While the data
Diskes-Jabar shows a number of 65.3 million youth smokers Indonesia ..
But not known how the attitudes of youth smoking behavior,
primarily young people who are beginning school in junior high schools. Know the attitude
early adolescence is very important because the mind and this attitude can be predicted early
whether teenagers will become smokers or not ..
This study aims in general to describe the initial attitude
smoking behavior of adolescents and the factors that affect
the formation of the initial attitude. These factors include friend
contemporaneous, and personality characteristics terpaan commercial advertising of cigarettes.
Specifically, the goal will be achieved are: (1) analyze the early adolescent attitudes
against smoking behavior, (2) describes the closeness Pertemanan friend
contemporaneous (peer group) early adolescence, the personality characteristics and intensity
commercial ad terpaan experienced adolescents, (3) to know the size of the influence of
of the friend, and personality characteristics terpaan commercial advertising of cigarettes on
attitude of the early adolescent smoking behavior, (4) there are differences in closeness
of the friend, personality characteristics, intensity and commercial terpaan ad
impact on the attitudes of early adolescent smoking behavior based on
demografiknya characteristics (gender, age and class)
This study starts from June until November 2008. Location
research in SMP Negeri 22 with a Lampung Province involving 60 students
class 7, 8 and 9. Data collected through the questionnaire instrument and analyzed
is descriptive. Are tested using a hypothetical regression linier berganda
assisted with the software SPSS 13.0.
Conclusion and research that is: (1) youth attitudes towards early
smoking behavior is anti-smoking attitudes. Factors that influence attitudes
early in a significant and is a friend of the personality characteristics
trust with the lapse of 95%. (2) attitude towards the early adolescent behavior
smoking different demografik. Adolescent attitudes of women shows
anti-smoking attitudes and adolescents higher with men. Attitudes on the behavior of anti -
smoking is also different in age, the higher the attitude of anti merokoknya
or a tendency to lower the higher the merokoknya. Trends
smoke, mainly on the male adolescent. (3) Friends of the effect
significantly on the attitudes of early adolescent smoking behavior. The influence
on the encouraging teenagers to smoke, the main influence of this
in adolescent males. (4) While the personality characteristics of teenagers
show enough personality ekstrovert. This variable is not an
prediktor a real variable for the attitude of the early adolescent behavior
smoking, but together with a friend of the variables
significantly affect the attitudes of early adolescent smoking behavior.
(5) Terpaan cigarette ad jump quite intensive youth but they do not
significant in the initial attitude of the youth anti-smoking behavior.

Keywords: Attitudes, beginner smokers, of the friends, personality, terpaan media

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